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Synthetic Urine

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Whizzinator Synthetic Urine: The Original Synthetic Urine

Whizzinator formulated a new, improved synthetic urine that offers a reliable solution for diverse needs. It is meticulously formulated to closely mimic natural urine, containing essential elements such as uric acid and creatine to enhance authenticity.

This laboratory-designed synthetic urine is toxin-free and clean, suitable for males and females. It is carefully balanced for pH levels, specific gravity, creatinine, urea, and other key urine characteristics, ensuring accurate results for testing, medical evaluations, calibration, or even playful pranks.

Whizzinator Synthetic Urine offers versatility and peace of mind. Its user-friendly design makes it easy to use, store, and access, offering a convenient solution for those needing readily available synthetic urine. Trust in Whizzinator for consistent quality and dependable performance.

Our Synthetic Urine Products

Ready to take control of your next urine test with ease and assurance? Look no further! Welcome to our world of top-tier synthetic urine products designed to empower you when it matters most.

Why Choose Us?

  • Trusted Quality: Our synthetic urine is meticulously crafted to mimic the real deal, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
  • Easy to Use: With straightforward instructions, simply mix, heat, and go!
  • Proven Results: Countless satisfied customers attest to our products' effectiveness.

Discreet Shipping: Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. Rest assured, your order will arrive swiftly and discreetly at your doorstep.

Synthetic Urine FAQs

Synthetic urine is used by heating it to the instructed temperature. It's commonly used to calibrate urine testing equipment, conduct scientific research, and in scenarios where real urine might be impractical or inconvenient.
Yes, synthetic urine is generally legal, but it’s crucial to understand local laws on its sale and use, especially for drug testing, since legality may vary by location and purpose.
No, synthetic urine does not contain toxins; it is formulated to mimic natural urine without harmful substances. Our synthetic urine products are designed to ensure purity and accuracy.
When stored properly, synthetic urine can last for around two years. Once heated and used, it remains viable for up to 6 hours. It's best to check the expiration date on the product packaging
Advanced testing methods can sometimes detect synthetic urine. Following instructions carefully and using high-quality products to minimize detection risks is essential.
Synthetic urine is typically available online or at specialty stores. Always ensure you purchase from a reputable source to guarantee quality and authenticity.
20 years FAQ logo for Whizzinator

You must be 18 or over to view this site. Some images may be classified as adult content. Follow all applicable laws when viewing this site.

This product is not intended for any illegal purpose. Nor is it to be used to defeat lawfully administered drug tests.

The Whizzinator Touch is a registered trademark of Alternative Lifestyle Systems, INC. The Whizzinator Touch is a unique product. You must follow all federal, state and local laws when using the Whizzinator Touch, and or any other related products sold by Alternative Lifestyle Systems. Alternative Lifestyle Systems, and any of its affiliates are not responsible for your misuse, and/or violation of any federal, state, or local laws when using the Whizzinator Touch, and or any other related products.

Copyright © 2023. Whizzinator All rights reserved.
