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How to Use the Whizzinator Heating Pad for Optimal Results


Whizzinator Heating Pad

The whizzinator is a popular device used for pranks and pleasure. It is made up of a fake penis, a fake urine pouch, and a heating pad. The heating pad is an important part of the whizzinator because it helps to keep the fake pee warm. This ensures that the urine will feel as like real urine as possible. In this article, we will discuss how to use the whizzinator heating pad for optimal results.

What Is the Whizzinator Heating Pad and What Does It Do

whizzinator heating pad

The whizzinator heating pad is an important part of the whizzinator device. It helps to keep the fake pee warm, making the urine look and feel close to real urine.

The heating pad is placed between the bag and the belt in order to heat the fake pee. It is important to follow the instructions carefully in order to get the most out of your whizzinator heating pad.

Why Is It Important to Keep the Fake Pee Warm

It is important to keep the fake pee warm in order to make it look and feel as close to real urine as possible.

The heating pad also helps to keep the whizzinator in place, ensuring that it does not slip or fall off during use.

How Long Do I Need to Use the Heating Pad For?

The amount of time you need to use the heating pad will depend on how warm you want the fake urine to be. It is important to experiment with different times in order to find what works best for you. Generally, it is recommended to use the heating pad for 30 minutes before using the whizzinator.

How to Use the Heating Pad for Optimal Results

whizzinator heating pad

When it comes to using the whizzinator heating pad, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Follow the instructions carefully in order to get the most out of your whizzinator heating pad.

After a few minutes, you should notice that the whizzinator is getting warmer and feels more like the real thing. Make sure to keep the heating pad on for as long as possible in order to get the most realistic experience possible!

Here are some tips for using the whizzinator heating pad:

-It is important to read the instructions carefully before use.

-Make sure that the heating pad is not too hot before placing it on your Whizzinator.

The whizzinator heating pad is a great way to make sure that your fake pee stays warm and feels real. By following the instructions carefully, you can make sure that you get the most out of your whizzinator heating pad.

Using a heating pad with a whizzinator can help to ensure that the fake urine sample is at the right temperature and feels realistic. 

Have you tried using a whizzinator heating pad? Let us know how it went in the comments!

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This product is not intended for any illegal purpose. Nor is it to be used to defeat lawfully administered drug tests.

The Whizzinator Touch is a registered trademark of Alternative Lifestyle Systems, INC. The Whizzinator Touch is a unique product. You must follow all federal, state and local laws when using the Whizzinator Touch, and or any other related products sold by Alternative Lifestyle Systems. Alternative Lifestyle Systems, and any of its affiliates are not responsible for your misuse, and/or violation of any federal, state, or local laws when using the Whizzinator Touch, and or any other related products.

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